
Tube, transformer, and inductor-based midrange equalizer module.

Some equalizers are designed to fix problems in your recording. This one’s different: It shines a spotlight on the personality in your performance. The RMSM5F ValvEQ is an inductor-based midrange equalizer conceived and optimized for sweetening individual tracks. Two midrange bands each offer two frequency choices borrowed from BBC-specified broadcast equalizers famous for bringing euphonic power to vocals, electric guitars, and electric bass guitars. These two bands are wrapped around our unique tube amplifier circuit for active boost and cut, sandwiched between beefy input and output transformers for bulletproof interfacing with the rest of the world and sweet coloration with maximum headroom.

That’s right, you don’t have to overload this tube circuit to make it sing! The harmonic richness of the single-ended triode amplifier and transformer coupling combine with the sweet tone of the midrange inductors to bring your lead performances to the fore.

Our amplifier is not a wimpy starved-plate design, nor is it an op-amp based preamp with a tube stuck on top for marketing appeal. It's all tubes and iron, with sophisticated modern power management circuitry to generate the high-voltage plate supply and high-current heater supply to power the tube. Careful design of this high-efficiency power circuit allows the Valveq to work within the space and power consumption limitations of a single module.

The Valveq offers two frequency selections for each of the two midrange bands. These frequencies can be customized to order, from among these choices: 390, 560, 820 Hz; 1.3, 1.8, 2,7 kHz.

The RMSM5F ValvEQ is fully compatible, both electrically and mechanically, with any enclosure that complies with the standards for the 500-series format.

The RMSM5F ValvEQ from Roll Music Systems is available from our global network of friendly, expert dealers.


Frequency Response

+/-1dB, 10Hz-40kHz

Maximum Input Level

+28dBu rms

Maximum Output Level

+25dBu rms

Input Impedance

50kΩ balanced

Recommended Load Impedance

Output Impedance

<300Ω balanced

>10kΩ balanced

“HMF” Switch

High-Mid Frequency: 1.8kHz, 2.7kHz

EQ Boost/Cut

“LMF” Switch

Low-Mid Frequency: 820Hz, 1.2kHz


Power Requirements

+/-16V @ 100mA

Vacuum Tube


“OUT” Switch

Soft Bypass